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- <?php
- /**
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Nocache Insert
- *
- * Compiles the {insert} tag into the cache file
- *
- * @package Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- * @author Uwe Tews
- */
- /**
- * Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Insert Class
- *
- * @package Smarty
- * @subpackage Compiler
- */
- class Smarty_Internal_Nocache_Insert {
- /**
- * Compiles code for the {insert} tag into cache file
- *
- * @param string $_function insert function name
- * @param array $_attr array with parameter
- * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $_template template object
- * @param string $_script script name to load or 'null'
- * @param string $_assign optional variable name
- * @return string compiled code
- */
- public static function compile($_function, $_attr, $_template, $_script, $_assign = null)
- {
- $_output = '<?php ';
- if ($_script != 'null') {
- // script which must be included
- // code for script file loading
- $_output .= "require_once '{$_script}';";
- }
- // call insert
- if (isset($_assign)) {
- $_output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->assign('{$_assign}' , {$_function} (" . var_export($_attr, true) . ",\$_smarty_tpl), true);?>";
- } else {
- $_output .= "echo {$_function}(" . var_export($_attr, true) . ",\$_smarty_tpl);?>";
- }
- $_tpl = $_template;
- while ($_tpl->parent instanceof Smarty_Internal_Template) {
- $_tpl = $_tpl->parent;
- }
- return "/*%%SmartyNocache:{$_tpl->properties['nocache_hash']}%%*/" . $_output . "/*/%%SmartyNocache:{$_tpl->properties['nocache_hash']}%%*/";
- }
- }
- ?>